I had the pleasure of working with Palcoprep in the re-construction of a prehistoric “Icthyosaur”, The World’s Largest Marine Reptile. The skull which had been completely crushed (top left) was scanned and given to me. Working with paleontologists I re-constructed the skull digitally (top right). The final model was milled to life size, 14ft (lower left) in foam which was then textured and finished (lower right). You can see it on display at The Kita-Kyushu Museum in Japan.
I have worked on several movie, TV and commercial projects most notably sculpting for Captain Kirk himself William Shatner on his Movie Groom Lake. I sculpted the Helmet/Alien portion of the costume.
I designed the ESKY, Esquire Magazine's music award, which has been awarded to many musicians including The Foo Fighters.
I have sculpted many figures of people but one of my favorites was of comic book legend Stan Lee.
These Rose Bowls I created were sold through The Museum of Modern Art store among other places. It was also my first design patent.
This was a contest that Disney had for some of their licensors. The challenge was to take the blank vinyl Mickey figure they provided for everyone and decorate it in a creative way. I was honored to have won first place.
Working with Envision 3D Studios I sculpted these orcas which they completed into life sized displays in the City of Victoria in Canada, commemorating well known whales which have since past away.
Working again with Envision 3D Studios they took my digital models and turned them into a Mayan Wall Display at the Royal BC Museum.
Rat's Nest is a book my wife wrote and I illustrated.